Mom bags. May they be overflowing with all the goodies you need.

I’ve heard many mom’s say, “My bag is not your trash can!” And although we cannot promise that your kids or husband will not dump empty bubble gum wrappers in your bag, we can provide you with a simple checklist of what to include for wrestling tournament days. 

Mom Bag: Wrestling Edition


We’ve done research with wrestling moms and compiled a list of products that they consider to be “must-haves” for their wrestling bag. 

Consider this your wrestling bag checklist:

  • Snacks for the kids
  • Cash for concession stands
  • Ibuprofen / Tylenol (plus any additional medication your child may need)
  • Athletic tape & Band-Aids
  • A change of clothes for your wrestler- socks included ;)
  • Wet wipes / hand sanitizer
  • Phone charger (because we know you’ll be taking lots of pictures!)
  • Entertainment - something you enjoy to occupy your time OR if you have a small child, something for them to play with
  • Pen & paper - to keep up with brackets if needed 

Have any other suggestions? Leave them in a comment below!

Sam Highsmith
Tagged: Parents Tips


Needle and thread in red and blue! Laces!

— Deb