Sip on 8-16 oz fluids between matches.
Eat small snacks rather than large meals.
These should be high in carbohydrate, moderate in protein, and low in fat and fiber.
AVOID high fat foods (>5 grams fat/serving) such as nachos, burritos, pizza, hamburgers, as well as high fiber foods (>5 grams of fiber/serving) such as a large salad, raw vegetables, beans, and high fiber muffins, breads, cereals.
- Bagels, bread or English muffin with honey/jam
- Fresh fruit- bananas, grapes, oranges, berries, watermelon
- Low-fat chocolate pudding cups
- Cereal – Cheerios, Rice Krispies
- Low-fat yogurt cups or drinkable yogurt
- Granola bars
- Sports bars
- Sports drinks
- Pedialyte- pair with carbohydrate rich foods
- Low-fat trail mix
- Chocolate milk
- Turkey sandwich
- Peanut butter and jelly sandwich
- Pretzels
- Graham crackers, animal crackers
- Fig Newtons
- Performance chews
Do not forget your post tournament meal!
Super important to feed your body the proper foods to rebuild and reenergize!